Monday, June 1, 2009

iPod Video Personal Trainer From Langhorne - Is It Really Possible?

By Kareem F Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

The iPod Video and the iPhone have revolutionized the way personal training is offered around the world. In truth, many people now see the iPod as a replacement for having someone demonstrate exercise in the gym. Through the technological boom, the use of digital video, and the increased awareness of health around the world, it's no wonder that the iPod workout is taking over.

In fact, some fitness professionals have even managed to create video courses, simulating public speaking environments with Powerpoint format and video voice over in order to offer people an even greater value through their subscription to iPod workouts. It is actually possible now to enjoy many forms of multimedia through an iPod video or an iPhone, not just music.

One example of the "portable personal trainer" that is taking place involves an email delivery service, where you receive a couple of workouts for the week. You can then download the corresponding videos to your iPod, from which you can carry the exercises to the gym. Previously, the large majority of online fitness training stemmed from home workouts and/or e-books. Through the use of video, that is accessible on an iPod, new horizons have been reached and new levels of long-distance fitness coaching are available.

Most fitness professionals would agree that choosing a personal trainer is a careful decision that requires thought and analysis of skill set. With the opportunity today to be trained by some of the best fitness professionals in the whole world through cutting-edge technology, there is no longer a reason to settle. After all, this is your body, and you only get one.

Technological advances, such as the iPod Video, are causing many fields to improve. For example, portable exercise video has allowed, for the first time, the ability to hear and see exercise at the same time while at the gym. It's important to acknowledge that advances in technology have allowed barriers between long-distance fitness coaches and clients to be broken.

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